11 Aug City Coast Adventure ‘The Crystal Ship’
Follow in the footsteps of Magellan, Livingstone and Vasco da Gama, during this City Coast Adventure.
World-famous artists from inland and foreign countries created a fantastic art-route in ‘the city at sea’: The Crystal ship. Discover the gigantic wall-paintings and fantastic artworks in Ostend with this unique game format.
The several art-interventions form an artistic course through the city. Discover them by go-cart or bike.
The participants will be divided into several teams who each get their own specially created artbook.
The purpose of this game is to go admire all the artworks spread through Ostend, that are shown on the map.
How good is your observation ability? Will you be able to find the subtle differences with the original artworks?
A questionnaire about several Ostend myths and the maritime themed practical tests will complete the image.
This formula combines art & fun and creates a healthy dose of team spirit.
The tour will last for 2 till 3 hours and it isn’t designed to be a race against time.
The teams will consist out of 6-8 people.
At the end of the day the points will be added up and we will provide an award ceremony with a prize pool for the 3 best teams.